#41 Not the truth, but our book is out there!

In blog #35 I already mentioned that the book that Em. prof. Teun W. Hardjono and I wrote on quality paradigms would be published this year. Well, the process went faster than expected: the book is for sale. 

The book is out there. We definitely want to stress that we do not think having found the truth.  We do not claim to have a monopoly on wisdom, but we wish to make a contribution to the dialogue about quality. Starting ten years ago, Teun and I (and others) went on a journey to search why the existing quality paradigms couldn’t cover all, couldn’t provide all the answers to the current complexity in organisations. Specifically we searched for a new quality paradigm that could. We stand up for the Emergence Paradigm that might lead to radical innovation (see preview).

We do want to claim the book is out-there. It might not be very extreme, but it is unusual. Complexity science that forms the backbone of the Emergence Paradigm, exists for over twenty years now, but has had little application in quality management research, let alone in practice.

Unfortunately, the price of € 119,89 (or € 93,08 for the e-book version) might be an obstacle for purchasing it.  However, for  innovative managers, quality researchers and students, quality officers, strategy and policy makers our journey through the ideas of quality might be very interesting.


#40 Contribution to the trawl of EHFF members’ passions.

For a few years, I am a member of the European Health Futures Forum. The forum emerged out of a special interest group on the future of health that was constituted in Lisbon in 2010, under the aegis of the European Society for Quality in Healthcare. I very much support their mission and vision, influenced by the Foresight Triangle.

(Figure 1: see European Foresight Platform).

I consider the EHFF to be an important 21st-century think tank on the future of health.  Follow them on twitter.  Receive their newsletter.  In the last edition no 6 September 2020 my contribution to what EHFF’s network director David Somekh calls “the trawl of members’ passions”.



#39 Presentation on Paradigms in Integrated Care at ICIC 2020 conference.

On September 9th Wilma van der Vlegel and I presented at the ICIC Virtual conference 2020 a summary of our article Exploring the quality paradigms in integrated care: the need for emergence and reflection, that we have written together with Marjolein van der Vlegel and that has been sent to the International Journal for Integrated Care for review.  

Technical problems prevented us to show the video that we prepared for the session. The powerpoint that was presented goes hereby: ICIC 2020 6th of September nr 25 Exploring the quality paradigms in Integrated Care the need for emergence and reflection.  Hereby the video we made for the presentation.


#38 Six of my students in the Master of Integrated Care Design received their master degree on September 4th

On September 4th, -partly life, partly online-, the diplomas have been awarded to the students from the two year Master of Integrated Care Design.    Three of them I have been guiding in their thesis. Together with three others in July that makes six new alumni of mine.

The last assignment of the master program is to write a scientific article on the traject design they have been working on for the last, second year. The articles with a score above 7.5 on a ten-point scale are considered for adjustment to real publication. In my case three of the articles have been selected, written by Willemijn Irvine, Tessa Augustijn, and Laura van der Weijden. Laura also received the Van Der Linge Award for her report on the implementation of the intervention. I am proud to have been their supervisor.

Tessa Augustijn listening to a word of recognition and congratulations

#38 Emergentie, Leiderschap en Corona in Kwaliteit in Bedrijf, 4, 2020

Op de cover van het vierde nummer van Kwaliteit in Bedrijf van dit jaar prijkt de titel van mijn laatste artikel Emergentie, Leiderschap en Corona.

Het artikel is gebaseerd op de conceptanalyse die ik heb uitgevoerd en die is gepubliceerd in Total Quality Magazine. Het idee is, dat in onze complexe organisaties veranderingen en innovaties steeds vaker niet gepland en onverwacht plaatsvinden. Ik heb daar eerder al over geschreven (bijvoorbeeld voor de VCK en in SigmaOnline). Dat niet kunnen plannen stelt leiderschap voor problemen. Maar, aldus het artikel,  wellicht valt er te leren van Covid-19. Mijn stelling is,  dat we onzekerheid niet moeten willen oplossen, maar…….  omarmen; dat we in onze activiteiten gericht op kwaliteit van leven de interactie van groepen mensen wellicht kunnen faciliteren met instrumenten. Maar vooral, dat we vanuit visionair leiderschap gedeelde bedoelingen en waarden moeten creëren. En dan ontstaat er – misschien – iets radicaal nieuws.