#63 Emergent innoveren: een must voor de MIZW

Afgelopen vrijdag heb ik afscheid genomen van mijn werk bij de Hogeschool Utrecht, als docent kwaliteitsmanagement, afstudeerbegeleider en onderzoeker bij de  Master Innovatie in Zorg en Welzijn (MIZW). Onderdeel van het afscheid was een afscheidscollege,  dat Rolien de Jong en ik samen hebben gegeven, waarbij zij inging op de praktijk van innoveren (van eHealth) en ik op de theorie (emergent innoveren).

In de opleiding staat een strak gepland traject centraal waarin een verbetering of innovatie wordt ontworpen . Veranderingen in organisaties ontstaan echter steeds vaker ongepland. Homan (2005) stelt dat 75 tot 80 procent van veranderingen in organisaties spontaan zijn. Ook veel innovaties worden niet ontworpen, maar ‘emergeren’. Emergentie is een begrip uit de complexiteitstheorie en in een conceptanalyse heb ik het gedefinieerd als “het verschijnsel waarbij uit het netwerk van interacterende interne en externe elementen in de loop der tijd een coherent nieuw patroon ontstaat, dat moeilijk voorspelbaar, onverwacht en ongepland is en niet herleidbaar is tot de afzonderlijke elementen” (Van Kemenade, 2019, p. 149). We kunnen zo’n nieuw patroon niet maken, maar wellicht kunnen we het ontstaan ervan wel faciliteren. Dat schept een fundamenteel andere rol voor adviseurs, managers, innovators, MIZW’ers dus, die ik ‘emergent leiderschap’ heb genoemd. Maar, wat is ‘emergent leiderschap’ dan en wat kun je doen om toch de omstandigheden te co-creëren, zodat misschien een innovatie ontstaat??? Daarover gaan twee e-books die ik geschreven heb met als titel ‘Emergent Innoveren’ deel 1, Theorie en deel 2, Skills lab. Een aantal (ex-)docenten en een tiental studenten van de MIZW hebben daaraan meegewerkt, waarvoor dank. Frank Wijzenbeek bedankt voor de schitterende lay out. Graag laat ik deze twee boekjes over Emergent Innoveren achter als een soort ‘erfenis’ voor alle docenten, studenten en oud-studenten. Zie daarvoor onderstaande links. Ik hoop dat het jullie allen inspireert om veel ‘coherente nieuwe patronen’ te laten ontstaan. De documenten zijn beschermd met een wachtwoord. Als je werkelijk interesse hebt, kun je het wachtwoord verkrijgen via everard@onsnet.nu.

Ik heb van de jaren bij de MIZW genoten en zal studenten en collega’s missen.

Everard van Kemenade


Homan, T. (2005), Organisatiedynamica. Theorie en praktijk van organisatieverandering, Boom Uitgeverij

Van Kemenade, E.A. (2019), Emergence in TQM: a concept analysisTQM Journal32(1): 143-161.  Doi 10.1108/TQM-04-2019-0100

Van Kemenade, E.A. (2022a), Emergent innoveren volgens Medusa, deel 1. Theorie, Over tien reuzen en vier vensters, uitgave in eigen beheer

Van Kemenade, E.A. (2022b), Emergent innoveren volgens Medusa, deel 2. Skills lab. Over vier vensters en zes moeders, uitgave in eigen beheer




#62 Interesting workshop at Integrated Care Conference in Odense (Dk).

Today, May 23rd Laura van der Weijden and I gave a workshop at the International Conference on Integrated Care. The conference was held in  Odense Danmark and 400 people attended life, 600 more online. Our workshop was called “Collective Reflexivity, a personalised integrated care approach”.  Marlou de Kuiper co-designed the workshop, but unfortunately she couldn’t present it with us.

After an introduction on the reflective paradigm by me, Laura, a former student of mine at the Master of Integrated Care Design, presented the case of Margot, a person with dementia and very challenging behaviour. The workshop took the case to a higher level by asking the participants to reflect on it collaboratively. Twenty three people attended the workshop and had a lively discussion on the question how we could help Margot.

Here you can find the slides of the workshop.


#61 Book chapter on quality in the fitness industry.

People who know me,  are aware of the fact that I love doing fitness. I mostly visit group lessons in RPM, Body Pump and sometimes Body Balance.

Recently, I was asked to reflect on quality management in the fitness sector. And in doing so I combined two of my passions: quality and fitness.

The combination resulted in a chapter in the book by Middelkamp J. & Rutgers, H. (eds), Operational Excellence and Transformative Leadership. In the fitness and physical activity sector Europeactive/BlackboxPublishers pp. 202-223. My chapter was called Total quality management in fitness: On the way to operational excellence.

My last recommendation in the chapter to fitness sector leadership is that they should facilitate emergence of novelty. Where in the past innovations could be created by individuals such as professionals in the field of fitness and its entrepreneurs which could lead to new equipment, new concepts and new activities, nowadays the interaction of a diverse group of people is needed. This can also include the customer. That requires organising an innovation team from all stakeholders holding a creative dialogue and improvising with the purpose that a radical innovation might emerge. This requires collective mindfulness, enabling the process and being reflective and adaptive. Leadership (club owners and managers) in the European health, fitness and physical activity sector need to enable interaction to co-create innovation,  together with the customer.



#60 PEACE: Client Centred Care at White and Yellow Cross Care Foundation

From 21st till 24th and from 28th till 31st of March two groups of staff members from different roles and functions have been trained in client centricity, one of the core values of the White and Yellow Cross Care Foundation (WYCCF) on Sint Maarten. The discussions on the topic were lively, the contributions of staff members valuable. As always in this course the participants conduct an interview with clients to know their life story and as a result they produce a poster.

This time beside the posters an interview was held and recorded with a group of stakeholders within the foundation to get to know their ideas on client centricity.

Important conclusion of the trainings was that there still are some differences in interpretation of client centred care (CCC) or differences in vision what it means for WYCCF.  For that purpose a  discussion paper will be produced with the title PEACE, the five pillars of client centricity: Participation of clients; doing something Extra for all; creating am Atmosphere of happiness; teaching clients how to Cope with their situation and doing something Extra for one. This discussion paper will finally lead to a shared vision of the foundation on CCC.

“True happiness comes from having a sense of inner peace and contentment, which in turn must be achieved by cultivating altruism, love, and compassion, and by eliminating anger, selfishness, and greed.”

Tenzin Gyatso, The Dalai Lama


#59 Client Centred Care in the Caribbean again!

The last few years Van Kemenade ACT has been active in the Caribbean supporting the establishment of Client Centred Care. The frontrunner in this process is the White and Yellow Cross Care Foundation (WYCCF) from Sint Maarten. For more information on WYCCF see their facebook page here or their website.

After COVID-19 we now can continue training. In spring the next two trainings will take place for again over thirty people to help them to deliver person centred care. Part of the training is a life story project in which residents and clients will be interviewed to get to know their history, their situation today and their wishes. Aim is, even more than has already been done, to delight the client!

Another day will be spent to work with managers and unit leaders to cascade down  the organisation wide strategic goals.


In the same period Sint Maartens’ Home will be audited by the internal audit team and Sister Basilia Centre (SBC) will work on its vision to become the SBC Village.

We are looking forward to this great assignment!